Master of Art Anastasia Matveeva

Biography Master of Art Anastasia Matveeva

Anastasia is born in Kuznetsk, Russia in 1988. From the age of seven she studied At the children’s Art school in Kuznetsk. Participant and winner of a large number of children’s competitions and exhibitions. 2003-2008 studied at Penza art school.

2009 -2015 Anastasia studied at the Repin Academy of Arts at the faculty of painting. Since 2016 Anastasia is a member of the Union of artists of Russia and participant of all-Russian and international exhibitions and plein-airs.

The paintings of are in the private collections in Russia, England, China, America, and Latvia.


  • 2021- Exhibition at “Russian Fine Art” Gallery Germany, Nordhorn.
  • 2020- Exhibition in the Netherlands
  • 2019- Participation of Anastasia In the international open-air exhibition project “Art expedition to the Himalayas”. Exhibition at the end of the plein air in the Museum complex “House of the Roerich family”. Naggar, Himachal state, India.
  • 2019- Participation In the international Symposium “Holy spring”. Serbia. The final exhibition was held in the exhibition halls of the cities of Serbia: Sombor, Apatin, Monica.
  • 2016- Participation In the international plein air in memory Of S. Yu. Zhukovsky at Belarus. Exhibition hall in the Palace of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk.
  • 2013- Participation in the exhibition of final works performed at the Finnish international student plein air. Exhibition hall in the city of Imatra.
  • 2012- Participation in the Finnish international student plein air in Imatra, Lahti and Porvo.
  • 2007-2019 Exhibitions in different cities of Russia.

Larisa Pierik
Founder and Owner of Gallery «Russian Fine Art»
Telephone: +49 1744822329